Test Kitchen: Pecorino Sardo Dolce Roasted Cauliflower

Whoa. Cauliflower - roasted, pickled, and pureed. With Pecorino Sardo dolce.

The ancestors of Pecorino Sardo, Rosso Fino and Affumicato, were cheeses made from raw milk or milk heated with red-hot stones. Over the centuries, there has been a continuous refinement of the characteristic production technique that has spread throughout Sardinia up to the very important recognition of the P.D.O. Today, Pecorino Sardo is unanimously considered one of the emblems of excellence of its Area of Origin. Program funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia with L.R. n. 5/2015 art. 15.

FULL RECIPE: https://chefsroll.com/cheflife/recipes/pecorino-sardo-dolce-roasted-cauliflower


by: Chef Mikel Anthony (@mikel_anthony)
: Collective Creative Soul (@collectivecreativesoul)
produced by: Cast Iron Culinary (@ciculinary)

Sponsored by 3 Pecorini (@3pecorinicheese) and Pecorino Sardo
#perfectlyplated on Front of the House - FOH, Inc. (@fohinc)
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