Test Kitchen: Pecorino Fiore Sardo Uavo in Raviolo

You won't be able to look away as Mikel Anthony creates ravioli from scratch in the Chef's Roll Test Kitchen. Uavo in raviolo with Fiore Sardo brodo, capers, sage, and guancale.

The name Fiore Sardo is said to derive either from the use of a coagulant obtained from a flower, most likely the thistle, or from the use of wooden stamps molded with an engraved flower on the disk that until recent times served to distinguish and decorate the cheese. Programme funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia with L.R. n. 5/2015 art. 15.

FULL RECIPE: https://chefsroll.com/cheflife/recipes/test-kitchen-uavo-raviolo


by Chef Mikel Anthony (@mikel_anthony)
: Collective Creative Soul (@collectivecreativesoul)
produced by: Cast Iron Culinary (@ciculinary)

Sponsored by 3 Pecorini (@3pecorinicheese) and Fiore Sardo
#perfectlyplated on Front of the House - FOH, Inc. (@fohinc)
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