Kong Bak Pau / Pork Belly Bao (Braised Pork Belly Buns) -

Put to braise and viola, Kong Bak Pau (aka ) is a fussy-free yet impressive dish to make! It's a lor bak burger or more accurately braised pork belly bao (some would call it a tau yew bak) - a thick slice of braised pork belly simmered in soy sauce and spice sandwiched with fresh coriander between a steam leaf bun.

With the use of five spice that combines with the fats that are rendered while cooking, it keeps the meat tender and develops that sweet flavour. This is one comforting yet sinful dish that is hard to resist!

#SG50 #jiaksimi #themeatmensg #kongbakpau #chineseburger #porkburger

Recipe at:- http://themeatmen.sg/kong-bak-pau/

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