How to make Easy Anago Sushi Roll | Lucky Direction "Ehoumaki" Sushi Roll & Toasted Soybeans | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

Today, I'm going to make "Ehoumaki" Lucky Direction Sushi Roll.

I am making Easy Anago Sushi Roll this year.

Sushi rice is preseasoned with soy sauce and Mirin, for a change. But it makes a special sushi roll that you can surprise your family and friends!
And don't forget the toasted soybean!

So this year I try spread sushi rice with my hand instead of like what I do before because I learned how to do it from Michelin Star Chef Tetsu of Samurai Sushi Spirits.

Go and Check his channel!

His Course for Sushi Professional course is on The March sale is for the minimum price when you create a new account for Udemy.
Actually, I put the narration for the course, so this is a kind of promo. But, it is the best comprehensive and informative in every aspect. He teaches how to use Japanese knives, how to keep your knife sharp, how to break down whole fish, how to make Sushi rice, etc. I strongly recommend his course.
Be sure to check it out!
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I am waiting for you on board!




SHOKUPAN course on Udemy

Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

※Kitchen Princess Bamboo earns a small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!

music: YouTube music library

Sharing output gets better skills.
Thanks! Love from Japan♡

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