In this season when the demand for chocolate is increasing, I made a slightly different kind of chocolate pudding. This interesting chocolate pudding is stretchy and rich. It stretches even better when mixed.
*Recipe* (for 4 containers filled with 170 ml water, 400 ml chocolate pudding liquid)
Make chocolate pudding
1.In a heatproof bowl, add 50g of rice cakes, 20g of unsalted butter, and a small amount of milk from 170g (a).
2.Mix well to make the rice cake smooth.If necessary, add a small amount of milk and heat additionally.
3.Add 10g of cocoa powder and mix.
4.Add the remaining milk from (a) of (1) little by little and mix.
5.Add 70g marshmallows and mix.
6.Add 80g of fresh cream and mix.
7.Heat in a 600w microwave for about 2 minutes.
8.Mix and melt the marshmallows.
9.Pour into a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Make chocolate sauce
10.Put 50 g of small pieces of chocolate in a heatproof container and heat in a microwave oven at 600 W for 30 seconds at a time, watching carefully so as not to burn the chocolate. This time, I heated it for a total of 1 minute and 30 seconds, switching back and forth to melt it.
11.Mix so that there is no undissolved residue.
12.Add 30g of fresh cream and mix.
13.Add 20g of milk and mix.

14.Pour (13 taken the rough heat) over (9) and let cool.

*レシピ*(満水 170mlの容器4個分・チョコプリン液 全量 400ml)
1.耐熱ボウルに、4等分した餅(50g)、無塩バター 20g、牛乳 170g(a)から少量を加え、ラップをし、600wの電子レンジで様子を見ながら2分ほど加熱する。
3.ココアパウダー 10gを加え混ぜる。
5.マシュマロ 70gを加え混ぜる。
6.生クリーム 80gを加え混ぜる。

10.耐熱容器に小さくしたチョコレート 50gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで30秒ずつ様子を見ながら焦がさないように加熱する。(今回、前後を入れ替えながら合計1分30秒加熱し、溶かしました。)
12.生クリーム 30gを入れ混ぜる。
13.牛乳 20gも入れ混ぜる。


#chocolate #mochi #recipe #チョコレート #餅 #バレンタインデー
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