Okra Omelette -

to go with soup and rice for tonights dinner. Okra is a high nutrition ingredient which you can include in your meals planning.

Lets start cooking..

10 pieces of okra, /
2 large eggs
8 small shrimps, optional.
1 tbsp water / milk
1 tsp light soy sauce / fish sauce
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1. Rub and rinse okra with water then blanched in boiling water (add 1/4 oil & 1/8 tsp salt) for a minute
2. Remove okra into ice water for a minute, pad dry then sliced into 0.5cm - 1cm thick slices
3. Whisk eggs with seasonings, add in okra and mixed well
4. Preheat skillet with 1 - 1.
5 tbsp oil, swirl in egg mixture and cook for a minute over medium heat till it turns golden brown
5. Gently flip omelette over and continue to cook on the other side
6. When done, remove to serving plate.

- you can add some small shrimp by saut the shrimp with pinch of salt till it changes colours before adding okra egg mixture on steps 4
- blanched Okra with oil and salt to retain its greenish colour + shorten cooking time with the omelette.

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