Liquid Jelly Recipe : An Easy and Refreshing Desserts 簡単シュワッとデザート 飲むゼリー | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

#Easy #Jelly #Recipe
This recipe is for a cold, drinkable jelly that can be prepared easily in one cup. We'll be using shaved ice syrup, so it's perfect for this season. Try making it with your favorite color of syrup!

It makes for a great item for stalls in school festivals and other events. It's a great option for people who don't really like cooking because it's so easy to make.

Recipe (Makes five cups measuring 375 ml, each filled to the brim)
1. Sprinkle 10 gm of powdered gelatin to 90 gm of water.
2. Pour about 20 ml (25 to 30 gm) of your favorite shaved ice syrup into each of the five cups.
3. Heat (1) in a microwave often for 40 seconds to dissolve to gelatin. Do not boil it.
4. Pour (3) evenly on to (2).
5. Add two or three cubes of ice (about 35 gm) and mix.
6. Pour in chilled sweetened cider.
7. And it's done! This carbonated jelly is refreshing and delicious. The jelly and soda fusing together looks really pretty so we recommend using a clear cup. You can even top it off with ice cream.

It was difficult drinking the jelly with a straw, so we recommend using a swizzle stick when you're mixing it. We realized it would have been so useful to have a "spoon-straw" that lets you drink the cider and it the jelly at the same time.

冷たいゼリー入りの飲み物がコップひとつで すぐにできちゃう簡単レシピです。かき氷シロップで作るから、これからの季節にピッタリ。好きな色のシロップで作ってみてください。

*レシピ*(満水で375mlのコップ 5杯分)
1.水 90gに粉ゼラチン 10gをふり入れておく。
2.コップ 5個に好みのかき氷シロップ 20mlくらい(25~30g)ずつ入れる。

ストローにゼリーが詰まって飲みにくかったので、混ぜるときはマドラーなどを使うとよいかな。サイダーを飲みながらゼリーも食べられる かき氷用の“スプーンストロー”があると便利だなと思った動画でした。
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