鏡開き バター餅 Kagamibiraki Butter Mochi ( Rice Cake ) | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

*レシピ*(4✖️4cm およそ24枚)
1.大きめの耐熱容器に小さく切ったお餅 3個(156g)と牛乳 45gを入れ、ふんわりラップをかける。
3.砂糖 40gを入れ混ぜる。よく混ざらない場合は、電子レンジで30秒ほど追加加熱する。
4.卵黄 1個、バター 15g、片栗粉 10gを入れその都度混ぜる。

I made butter rice cakes using Kagamimochi.This is a simple recipe that can be made in a microwave oven, so try it out for your Kagami-biraki menu on January 11. It tastes like milky Habutae mochi.
*Recipe* (4✖️4cm, about 24 sheets)
1.Put 3 small rice cakes (156g) and 45g of milk into a large heatproof container, and cover softly with plastic wrap.
2.Heat in a microwave oven at 600W for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds until the rice cakes become soft.
3.Add 40g of sugar and mix. If it does not mix well, heat it in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
4.Add 1 egg yolk, 15g butter and 10g potato starch and mix each time.
5.Take it out on potato starch and spread it to the desired thinness.This time, I rolled it out to 12✖️32cm.
6.Cut into the desired size while preventing it from sticking with potato starch. This time it is 4✖️4cm. The curled up one is 2.5✖️6cm.
7.It's done. Be careful not to eat too much.

#butter #mochi #ricecake #recipe #鏡開き #鏡餅
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