HOW TO MAKE ★FIG JAM★ & How to sanitize for longer shelf life (EP224) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

Today I want to share with you, how to make fig jam.

I love making jams with seasonal fruits, especially fig jam.

If you are lucky to have fig tree in your garden, go ahead and make a big batch and give it to your friends!

It has a really unique and comfortable aroma, you don't even know it is made of fig.

And I will show you how to keep the jam on your shelf for a longer time as well.

Makes great edible gift with Shokupan!

・2 × 150ml jar and 1/3 jar for you!
350g fig ※peeled and chopped
100g white sugar ※20~30% of the fig weight
Lemon juice from 1 lemon about 2 tablespoon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

※Kitchen Princess Bamboo earn small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!



Ingredients for this recipe:

Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

※Kitchen Princess Bamboo earn small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!

music:youtube music library

Sharing output get better skills.
Thanks! Love from Japan♡

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