Why Different People Need Different Amounts Of Protein

Protein requirements article: http://renaissancehumans.com/how-much-protein/

Skip Ahead In This Video:
The IOM's Protein Requirement target is inadequate: 0:12
Sedentary and lightly active peoples' protein needs: 01:24
Athletes' Protein Needs: 02:44
Research quality on low, medium, and high protein intakes: 03:24
Weight loss protein targets: 04:10
Weight gain/bulking/overfeeding protein targets 05:51
How to hit higher protein targets with whole plant foods: 06:40
Why we don't all have the same protein needs: 07:02
Protein needs of female endurance athletes: 08:05

In this article we explore how different people doing different things with their body need differing amounts of protein to reach their goals. We discuss the protein needs of sedentary/light active people, athletes, those trying to lose fat while retaining muscle, those trying to gain muscle while minimizing fat gain, and how genetically and hormonally, we may sometimes need more or less protein than average.
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