What Your Need to Know About Starting Your Baby on Solids

Introducing your baby to solids is a fun and exciting time, but it can also be a bit confusing and and anxiety-provoking, especially when you have a million different opinions and LOTS of advice coming at you from all different directions. The truth is, starting solids isn't a black or white process. You can tailor it to your own comfort level, your lifestyle and your baby. There's no RIGHT way. But there are certain things that you should know before starting, and one of those is that infant feeding guidelines have changed over the past few years. So just because your friend introduced her baby to infant rice cereal first five years ago, doesn't mean that this the best or only way. In fact, the newest guidelines suggest introducing a variety of textures and flavours, right from six months of age! So here are a few of the most common starting solids questions and answers to help you get started!
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