Turn leftover almond pulp into these Almond Pulp Energy Balls!

Are you left with almond pulp after making your favourite almond milk? Dont toss them just yet!

Full recipe: https://themeatmen.sg/recipes/no-bake-almond-pulp-energy-balls/#google_vignette

Join Khalil as he shows you how to transform that leftover pulp into irresistible Almond Pulp Energy Balls. These no-bake treats are not only delicious but also packed with wholesome ingredients.

#themeatmensg #easyrecipe #almondrecipes

1 cup of almond pulp 250 g (from strained almond milk)
1 tablespoon date syrup 15ml
2 tablespoons coconut oil 30 ml (optional)
1 banana (optional)
Protein powder (optional)
1/2 tsp of salt (optional)

Coating (optional):
Desiccated coconut
Quick cook oats

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