The Short Version of Spanish Paella con Pollo - Paella with Chicken


This is a classic recipe from Spain. Paella is said to refer to the actual pan that the food is cooked in. A large flat round pan with shallow sides. Everything in the dish is cooked in one layer. It is cooked by adding ingredients bit by bit to create a colorful and flavorful mlange of epicurean excitement.

Im using a 100% pastured free range chicken from KOL Foods. ( I pair it with a nice chardonnay from Casa del Cielo courtesy of our friends at (

To serve, put the pan in the middle of the table and let everyone take a portion into their plate, they can squeeze the lemon wedge into their portion and enjoy. I like to serve a fresh seasonal green salad with it.

This recipe has become a family favorite, especially for during the week. Cook it, serve it, eat it and then youll be sure to say, que rico . . . muy sabor!

LChaim . . . Avi

To serve, put the pan in the middle of the table and let everyone take a portion into their plate, they can squeeze the lemon wedge into their portion and enjoy. I like to serve a fresh seasonal green salad with it. I compliment with a glass of chardonnay.
This recipe has become a family favorite, especially for during the week. Cook it, serve it, eat it and then youll be sure to say, que rico . . . muy sabor!

LChaim . . . Avi

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