Strawberry Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cone いちごアイスクリームな綿菓子カップケーキ | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

#Strawberry #CottonCandy #IceCreamCone #TrickRecipes #なんちゃって #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying
We made strawberry cotton candy ice cream cones with baked strawberry chiffon cake inside of the ice cream cups. Top it off with strawberry puree right before eating for a delicious strawberry double punch! This is super tasty!
Recipe (for 9 ice creams)
1. Prepare 100g of strawberries by removing the stalks.
2. Add a little bit of lemon juice, and puree using a blender or something similar.
3. Mix 5g of granulated sugar and 1 egg yolk (20g).
4. Add 10ml of vegetable oil and mix.
5. Take 25ml of 2, and mix with 4. Set aside the remaining strawberry puree.
6. Sieve 15g of flour into it while shaking, and mix.
7. Add a pinch of salt to the egg white of one egg (40g) and mix well.
8. Make a meringue by adding 10g of sugar bit by bit while constantly beating.
9. Add a scoop of 8 into 6, and mix using a whisk.
10. Add half the remaining amount of 8, and mix using a rubber spatula.
11. Add the remainder of 8, and mix.
12. Pour 10 into an ice cream cone.
13. Bake for about 13 minutes in an oven that has been pre-heated to 170 degrees.
14. Remove from heat after baking to prevent shrinkage.
15. Place it upside down and let it cool down.
16. Make cotton candy using strawberry-flavored course sugar.
17. Place 16 onto 15, and put the remaining strawberry puree of 5 on top of it. We wish we'd made much more strawberry puree so we could have poured it on top of everything!

苺シフォンケーキを入れて焼いたアイスクリームコーンにアイスクリームに見立てたイチゴの綿菓子をのせました。食べる直前に いちごピューレをかけるとシュワシュワ溶けた綿菓子の甘さとイチゴが合う!コレおいしい!
2.レモン果汁 少々を入れ、ミキサーなどでピューレにする。
3.卵黄 1個分(20g)にグラニュー糖 5gを入れ混ぜる。
4.サラダ油 10mlを入れ混ぜる。
6.薄力粉 15gをふるい入れ、混ぜる。
7.卵白 1個分(40g)に塩をほんのひとつまみ加え、ザッと混ぜる。
8.グラニュー糖 10gを少しずつ加えながら泡立て、メレンゲを作る。
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