Soft & Fluffy Raisin Bread Rolls in less than 2 hours


Audio Transcript:

hello everyone its Lola here again I

welcome you back to my kitchen today I'm

going to be showing you how I make this

super soft fluffy and chewy raisin bread

rolls in less than two hours so if you

like homemade bread rolls as much as I

do please stay tuned and see how I make

it I'm going to start by proofing my

yeast and I'm going to be adding some

sugar inside my bowl together with some

yeast and I'll be adding my warm milk

give that a good mix and I'll be setting

it aside now I'm going to be measuring

out my flour today I'm using the bread

flour I prefer the results in texture

over using all-purpose flour however you

can use all-purpose flour if you still

get a very beautiful result after

measuring my flour I'm going to be

adding half of a tablespoon of cinnamon

powder salt and some sugar then I'm

going to give this a good whisk and I'll

also be creating a well at the middle of

this in which I'm going to be pouring my

proofed yeast together with some melted

butter two eggs and some reasons I'm

going to take my wooden spoon and I'm

going to mix this until everything is

well blended together

at this points all my ingredients I will

combined and right here I have a soft

weight and sticky dough I am going to be

covering this right now and I will leave

the dough to rest for about 15 minutes

I'm not trying to prove to do I'm just

living it so that the flour can be well

hydrated by the time I'm ready to walk

my dough

it's going to become less sticky and

easier to handle so it's been 15 minutes

now and I'm going to turn this dough

over to my work surface as you can see

the dough is really soft don't be

tempted to use too much flour to walk it

a little bit goes a long way because we

still need our dough to be very soft

considering the fact that this dough is

going to rise once so now I'm just going

to knead this dough for about 5 to 6


or thereabout at this point I'm just

going to divide this dough into 12

pieces and I'll start forming my rolls

also make the rolls all you have to do

is to flatten out each cut out piece of

the dough then you are just going to

roll it up like you are rolling up in

mats just like this and basically that

is it it's pretty much is it to rule so

at this point I'm just going to get a

clean kitchen tool and I'm with to cover

this and this is the time I'm going to

leave these dudes to proof for about 1/2

to 1 hour 15 minutes or till it's

doubled or almost tripled in size so the

dough is ready now it's well risen both

before I take it to the oven I'm just

going to be brushing this with my egg

wash which is a combination of 1 and

with 2 tablespoons of water once

everything has been generously coated

with the egg wash I'm going to be

placing this inside my 350 degrees

preheated oven and I'm going to be

baking this for about 15 to 20 minutes

or till it's golden brown on the outside

so here we go our bread is all done it's

smelling really good in here I must

confess and it looks beautiful

so before I serve this I like to grease

the surface of the rolls with some

butter well is still very hot so the

water can easily melt over the bread so

here we go this is our super soft fluffy

and chewy recent bread rolls in less

than two hours I hope you like it and I

hope you give it a try and as usual all

the links to the detailed recipe can be

found in the description box below also

next time I'll talk to you should be

enjoy thank you for watching guys I'm

about in my bread



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If you make this recipe, Id love to see pictures of your creations on

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