Snack Recipes: How to Make Nigerian Chin Chin Afropotluck

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Here is the list of ingredients I used

2-1/4 cups of all purpose flour
1/4 cup of sugar
a pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon of Baking Powder
1large egg
5 to 6 Tablespoons of Milk
2-1/2 Tbsp of melted Butter or Margarine
vegetable oil for frying

The recipe above is for making chin chin that is not too hard or too soft but still with the crunch

If you want the super soft chin chin with little to no crunch then add 1 extra tablespoons of butter and an extra 1/2 tsp of baking powder

If you are a fan of the super hard chin chin leave out the Egg and the baking powder; at this point your dough will be hard but if you find it too hard to work then add about 1/2 tablespoon of milk to make it workable.

If you are using powdered milk just dissolve 2 Tbs of powder milk in 8Tbsp of water then use the require amount in the recipe (6 to 7 Tbsp) and drink the rest!

I use the standard US standard measuring cup for my all my measurements and you can check for the unit conversion on this link

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