SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD Vegetarian Cooked Food ( ) Hong Lim Food Centre

The stall is owned by an elderly couple, Mr and Mrs Gan, who are in their 70s. The business was established in 1991, in Hong Lim Food Centre.

Preparations start in the wee hours of the morning, as early as 1am, to get ready when business starts at 5am. There are more than 20 dishes, including fried bee hoon and noodles, vegetarian curry mutton, long beans, eggplant, as well as fried items.

Their special congee contains red dates and nuts that add texture, flavour and nutrients to a bowl. One might be spoilt for choice with so many dishes served!

Did you know?
Vegetarian goose () - 10:29, resembles the skin of roast goose in both texture and colour. Made with fried beancurd skins, they have the texture of light crackers.

Operating hours:
5am - 3pm
Closed on weekends

Hong Lim Food Centre #02-02

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SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD | Wu Xiang Xia Bing () | Hong Lim Food Centre

Nasi Padang 8789 | 243 Cantonment Road
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