Overnight Carrot Cake French Toast Recipe

Breakfast is by far my favourite meal of the dayI would have breakfast foods for every meal if I could, and make it a habit to have brinner (breakast for dinner) on busy weeknights because its not only easy and delicious, but my kids think its fun too.

I love make-ahead anything especially breakfast! Overnight French toast is one of our favourites its delicious and really easy to throw together the night before. As a busy mom, I can tell you that it feels pretty amazing have everything prepped and ready to throw into the oven right before guests arrive for brunch. Throw together a colourful fruit salad, and youre good to go!

These are the best types of meals to make with your kids, because youre not in a rush or stressed about timemy daughter loves to crack eggs more than anything, so I let her do that while I sliced the bread and got the other ingredients ready. And of course, mixing is a favourite job too.

The Dietitian in in loves that this version of overnight French toast is so nutrient-rich and fillingits full of eggs (which are loaded full of protein and vitamins and minerals), carrots and pineapple (both rich in nutrients, and adding some natural sweetness). I used whole grain French bread (a couple days old is best), to boost the nutrition factor even more, but you can use white if you prefer. This recipe is perfect for a crowd on Easter morning (or any morning), or makes for a great weeknight dinner option too.

We also included two cups of milk, which doesnt only contain 16 essential nutrients, but is also loaded full of high quality protein, adding to the satiating effect of this dish (and helps to keep it nice and moist!). And the leftovers are even better pair it with Greek yogurt and fruit the next day, and it makes for a delicious and filling lunch!

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