Oreo Mousse Ice Cream Sandwich オレオ・ムース・アイスクリームサンド | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We made a chilled mousse full of Oreos that you eat sandwiched between more Oreos! The mousse uses all the cream that you scrape off the Oreos, so there's no waste. We recommend eating this frozen like an ice cream sandwich during summer.

*Recipe* (8 Oreo sandwich)

1. Sprinkle 5g of gelatin powder into 30g of water.
2. Remove the cream from the cookies of 8 Oreos.
3. Put the cream from step 2 in a saucepan together with 200g of milk, 20g of sugar, and 3g of cocoa powder, then put on the heat.
4. Heat it until it dissolves together, making sure not to boil.
5. Take off the heat, Add 60g white chocolate and that made in step1.Melt them.then after it has cooled for a little while, add 5g of brandy.
6. Beat 200g of fresh cream until soft peaks form.
7. Place the saucepan from step 5 into ice water and stir as it cools until it thickens a little.
8. Add step 7 to step 6 and stir.
9. To step 8, add 6 of the 8 Oreos broken into pieces and stir.
10. Pour into the mold and freeze.
11. Once it's set, take it out and sandwich between 2 Oreo cookies.
12. It's delicious when its just a little melted. We got a little carried away and stacked a bunch of sandwiches but it collapsed. Make sure to take care!


1.水 30gに粉ゼラチン 5gをふりいれておく。
2.オレオ 8枚はクッキーからクリームを外す。
3.鍋に2のクリーム、牛乳 200g、砂糖 20g、ココアパウダー 3gを入れ、火にかける。
5.火からおろし、ホワイトチョコレート 60gと1を加え溶かす。粗熱がとれたらブランデー 5gを入れる。
6.生クリーム 200mlを8分立てにする。
9.8にオレオ 6枚を割り入れ、混ぜる。
#Oreo #Icecream #Sandwich #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ
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