6 Nutrients You May Be Missing If Youre Eating Vegan or Plant-Based (& How to Get Them!)

Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed with knowing youre getting all of the nutrients you need when youre eating more plant-based foods or what vegan nutrient deficiencies you need to be aware of?

When switching to a plant-based (vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian) lifestyle (or even if youve been following it for a while), youll want to pay extra attention to a few key nutrients you could potentially miss if youre not fully aware of how to get them through plants.

Im going to walk you through exactly what nutrients vegans need to be conscious of, from your protein intake to zinc and Ill share how you can get them when eating plant-based.

Heres what youll learn:
6 nutrients vegans need to be extra mindful of
Signs your body sends you if youre missing these nutrients
Plant-based food sources for where to get those nutrients

Be sure to grab my free guide that's packed with healthy eating tips and practices all designed to make maintaining healthy eating habits in your daily life easier (and more enjoyable) without needing to follow a diet or a plan or have any foods that are off-limits. https://bit.ly/3brdjSN

10 Plant-Based Proteins to Try: https://youtu.be/tYMVDxI8WP4
7 Tips for Eating More Plant-Based: https://youtu.be/_NcuV8yWQR8

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Health Is A Daily Practice. Founded by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist McKel (Hill) Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN with love. Visit for hundreds of recipes, science-backed health articles, online education programs, Method Membership, and ways to feel your best each day.
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