Nenthirankai chips/ Kerala Banana chips/ Plantain chips | Gayathiri's Cookbook

These Nenthirankai Chips are hard to resist.The special nenthirankai( plantain) are thinly sliced and deep fried to get these crispy chips. The chips are sprinkled with turmeric water during frying, to get the yellow color over each thinly sliced banana slice.


3 mature nenthirankai(A special plantain variety)
Coconut oil for frying

Water mixture for spraying:
Water 1 cup
1/2 tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp salt

1. Take matured nenthirankai(Plantain).
2. Cut the ends, slit the sides and peel the skin.
3. Slice/cut into thin pieces. .(You can also directly slice it into hot oil, if you are experienced)
4. Add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp salt to 1 cup of water. Keep it aside.
5. Heat coconut oil over medium flame.Add the slices to the heated oil.
6. When it is half- done, add 3/4 - 1 tsp of mixed turmeic/salt water.
7. Oil may splutter but soon the chips should absorb the salt and the yellow color from the turmeric/salt mixture.
8. Once cooked, the sizzling noise will stop and the oil will be clear.Time to take out the chips.
9. Remove them with slotted ladle and place them on paper towels to drain off the excess oil.

Nenthirankai chips are ready!!

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