
I remember clearly the first time I had a lachmacine. I was at a friends channukah ha biat (House Dedication). There were hordorves being passed around and lachmagine was one of them. I think I actually ate an entire tray of them that night. After that I was hooked.

Im using a 100% pastured and grass fed ground lamb from KOL Foods. ( I pair it with a nice chardonnay from Casa del Cielo courtesy of our friends at Kosher Wine. com (

I give the recipe for my from scratch masa or dough to marry the meat onto. I like to serve these with a little of my herbed tahini and a small piece of mango on top. Then I like a small lemon wedge along side so that you can squeeze a touch of fresh lemon juice on top just before eating.

Be careful tough. These lachmagines are habit forming and you just may find yourself getting up late at night, just to make a batch.

LChaim . . . Avi

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