Juicy Tender Simmered Eggplant (Recipe) なすの甘辛煮 (レシピ) | ochikeron

This is very simple but my favorite dish that my mom cooks ;)

It's a sweet soy sauce flavor (kind of teriyaki flavor) that goes perfect with white rice.

Perfect for your bento okazu (side dish), too!!!

Juicy Tender Simmered Eggplant

Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 20min
Number of servings: 2

360g (0.8lb.) eggplant
1.5 tbsp. mirin (sweet sake)
1.5 tbsp. sugar
1/3 tsp. hon-dashi (packaged dashi powder)
2 tbsp. soy sauce
sesame oil
1.5 tbsp. ground white sesame seeds

1. Chop eggplant into chunks and soak them in water to remove the oxalic acid and drain.
2. Heat sesame oil in a pan and stir-fry eggplant. Add mirin, sugar and hon-dashi, and cook for 3 minutes.
3. Season with soy sauce (adjust to suit your taste if needed) and simmer until the liquid is almost gone and tender. Mix in ground white sesame seeds and serve.

↓レシピ (日本語)

Music by

- Angela Granieri

How Crazy Are You?
- Sally
Down Town

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