I tried to make cat-shaped cookies with a grated radish mold, but... 猫クッキーを大根おろしニャンでつくってみたけど | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

I planned to make cat-shaped cookies using Daiso's "Daikon Oroshi Nyan". When it came time to fill the cookie dough, it was not cute because of the shape of the pressing tool. I thought about what to do, and was about to give up, when I saw the blister shape and got an idea! That's how I came up with these cookies. The cookies are plump shaped like a cat with winter fur. It hurts my heart when I eat them, but I made cookies that I want to give to cat lovers.

*Recipe* (for 8 kittens)
1.Mix 20 g unsalted butter at room temperature.
2.Mix in 35g of sugar.
3.Mix in 1 egg yolk.
4.Mix in 5g of milk.
5.Divide (4) into three portions: (a.) 1/2 portion (38g), (b.) 1/4 portion (19g), and (c.) 1/4 portion (18g).
6.Add 45g of cake flour, 5g of cornstarch and 10g of almond powder to (a. )
Add 17g of cake flour, 2g of cornstarch, 5g of almond powder and 6g of cocoa powder to (b.)
Add 22g of cake flour, 2g of cornstarch, 5g of almond powder and 1g of cocoa powder to (c.)
Sift together and mix each.
7.Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. (If it does not hold together, add a little milk.)
8.Combine (7) to make 24g, pack in a well-washed Daiso "Daikon Oroshi Nyan" blister, and take it out.
9.Bake in a preheated oven at 170℃ for 15 minutes, then raise the temperature to 180℃ and bake for 5 minutes. 10. After 10 minutes, cover with foil and bake. After 10 minutes, cover with foil and bake.
10.Done. This is 3D cookies that I made using “another” mold. "Daikon Orishi Nyan" is used properly for grated radish.


1.室温に戻した 無塩バター 20gを混ぜる。
2.砂糖 35gを入れ混ぜる。
4.牛乳 5gを入れ混ぜる。
6.(5)のa.に薄力粉 45g、コーンスターチ 5g、アーモンドパウダー 10gを
b.に薄力粉 17g、コーンスターチ 2g、アーモンドパウダー 5g、ココアパウダー 6gを
c.に薄力粉 22g、コーンスターチ 2g、アーモンドパウダー 5g、ココアパウダー 1gを

#DAISO #大根おろしニャン #クッキー #レシピ
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