How To Make Scrambled Eggs - Nigerian Inspired - Chef Lola

Delicately fried scrambled eggs with fresh Tomatoes, Onions and Chili powder. This is our family recipe and I thought I should share it with you. I hope you enjoy it!

4 large Eggs

1 large Tomato (I used half)

1 small Onion (I used half)

3 to 5 tablespoon of oil

3 Tablespoon of Canned fish (tuna,salmon,sardine or any other variety)

A pinch of salt

1 Teaspoon Chili powder (You can add any Hot Pepper if you want it hot)


Dice the Tomato and Onion and set aside

In a bowl, beat the Eggs, Canned Fish, salt and chili together (dont over beat) and set aside

In a medium frying pan add the oil and saute the Onions and Tomatoes for few seconds

Add the beaten Egg to the pan by carefully spreading it round and out

After few seconds, with a spatula, turn the Eggs over. You can repeat this process a couple of times till your eggs are cooked to your taste.

Note: Remember not to over fry your eggs because eggs still continue their cooking process until they are fully cooled.

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