Hi-Chew Dragon's Beard Candy with Strawberry # #hichew #strawberry

I made a dragon's beard candy with strawberries using Hi-Chew.As soon as I opened the Hi-Chew, the whole room smells like strawberries! I added fresh strawberries to match the strawberry-flavored hi-chew. This is surprisingly good. Please enjoy the compatibility with fresh strawberries.
*Recipe* (for 2 pieces)
6 Hi-Chew Strawberry flavor
2 strawberries

How to make
1. Heat 6 pieces of Hi-Chew in a microwave oven at 600w for 15 seconds.
2. After the Hi-Chews cool down, knead them.
3.Roll up, crush flat, and make a hole in the center.
4.Sprinkle with cornstarch and roll out thinly.
5.Divide the dough into two pieces and wrap them around the strawberries.
6.Done.By the way, is Hi-Chew popular outside of Japan?





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