DIY Christmas Gift - Polvorón Cookies and Paper Cup Package クリスマスにポルボロン 紙コップのラッピングで小さなギフト | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

This is a part of our World Sweets series. This time, we are making a celebratory cookie "Polvorón" that is essential for the Christmas season in the Andalusia region of Spain!
This is a white cookie with a texture that melts in your mouth. It is a cute cookie that resembles a white snowball and is perfect as a winter gift.
The recipe for Polvorón is simple, but we also created a wrapping that can be made easily using a paper cup, so please try making this as a small gift!
*Recipe* (makes 32 cookies)

Make the Polvorón

1. Bake 100 grams of all-purpose flour and 50 grams of almond powder in a preheated 150 °C oven. Bake on the lower rack for 10 minutes and then move to the top rack for an additional 5 minutes until fragrant and lightly browned.
2. Place 1. into a bowl and let cool.
3. Add 40 grams of powdered sugar, 1 gram (about 1/2 teaspoon) of cinnamon powder and a pinch of salt and stir to combine.
4. Add 50 grams of vegetable oil and mix.
5. Divide into 32 equal pieces and roll into balls.
6. Bake for 17 minutes in a preheated 160 °C oven.
7. Prepare 60 grams of powdered sugar, and sift a portion of this sugar onto the cookies using a tea strainer. Let the cookies cool. These are soft even right out of the oven, so don't be surprised.
8. Place in a plastic bag while still slightly warm and coat well with the remaining powdered sugar from 7. Let cool completely in the plastic bag and let the sugar set around the cookies.

Make the gift box using a paper cup

1. Make 5 cm cuts from the top of a 205 ml paper cup to create 4 equal parts.
2. Cut off the top edge of the cup.
3. Add alternating horizontal cuts to one pair of opposite sides of the cup.
4. Fold in the opposite pair of the cup without horizontal cuts inwards and cross the horizontal cuts in 3 to close the package.

All done!

It's said that happiness will visit you if you can say "Polvorón, Polvorón, Polvorón" three times after placing a "Polvorón" in your mouth before it melts.

Try eating them with your special someone!


口の中に入れるとホロッと崩れる食感が楽しい 白いお菓子。白い雪の玉を思わせる そのかわいい姿が冬のプレゼントにピッタリ。


1.薄力粉 100gとアーモンドプードル 50gを150度に予熱したオーブンで空焼きする。下段で10分、その後、上段に移して5分焼き、香ばしくほんのり色がつく程度に焼く。
3.粉砂糖 40g、シナモンパウダー 1g(小さじ1/2程度)、塩 ひとつまみを加え混ぜる。
4.サラダ油 50gを入れ混ぜる。
7.粉砂糖 60gを準備し、一部を茶こしで振りかける。そのまま粗熱が取れるまで冷ます。焼き立てはとても柔らかいのでびっくりしないでね。

1.容量 205mlの紙コップの上部から5センチ 切り込みを入れる。4等分になるようにする。
4.切り込みのない方の一組を折り込み、3を交差させて とめる。


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