Cheese Cookie like Now on Cheese

I like Now on Cheese. So I tried to make similar cheese cookies.It was difficult to make that secret delicious powder.But it turned out delicious, so I'm satisfied.
*recipe* (for 13 sheets/using 6.4cm cercle)
Make a mysterious delicious powder
1.8g granulated sugar, 4g powdered cheese, 3g powdered coffee cream, 1g Ajinomoto, and 2 or 3 shakes of Ajishio, powdered with a miller or other grinding machine.

Make cookies
2. Put 110g of cake flour, 20g of sugar, 50g of pizza cheese and 20g of powdered cheese in a food processor and mix until smooth.
3.Heat 50g of unsalted butter in a microwave oven at 600w for 1 minute to melt.
4.Add (3) to (2) and mix.

5. Roll out to 3 mm thickness and chill in the freezer for 20 minutes.
6.Cut out the dough with a cercle and sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper if desired.
7.Preheat oven to 180C.Bake in an oven lowered to 170C for 14 minutes.The cookies weren't browned enough, so I switched the front and back of the baking sheet and baked for an additional 2 minutes.
8.Allow to cool.

9.Add (8) to (1) and sprinkle.Remove excess powder.
10.Done. It's delicious.


8g 4g 3g 1g 23

110g 20g 50g 20g




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