Can a Food Journal Help You Eat Healthy?

Should you keep a food journal? And if so, what should it look like?

Food journals are a really valuable tool to have to help you develop awareness and a better mind-body connection to really see how foods are working for your body.

Theres so much information available online about what to eat, but whats truly transformative is learning whats aligned with your own individual needs and body.

Developing more awareness and mindfulness with your body through a journal practice can help you make food choices based on what works for your unique body, rather than following one-size-fits-all plans or general recommendations.

In this video, Im going to share the three things to jot down in a food journal and what to look for in order to make choices that better align with your goals.

Along with keeping a food journal, download my free guide for creating habits with ease where Ill take you through my process for how you can make changes and habits that will support your wellness vision and last for the long-term.

If you liked this video, let me know by sharing your biggest takeaway about food journals and be sure to follow or subscribe for more videos like this.

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About Nutrition Stripped
Health Is A Daily Practice. Founded by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist McKel (Hill) Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN with love. Visit for hundreds of recipes, science-backed health articles, online education programs, Method Membership, and ways to feel better each day.
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