Burdock Roots Rice 炊き込みご飯 | Japanese Cooking Lovers by Yuri

I cooked burdock roots rice 炊き込みご飯. It is easy to make this very delicious rice. You can make it vegan if you use vegan dashi. I have another video on how to make vegan Japanese dashi and katsuo dashi. I am using a clay pot here, but you can use a regular rice cooker.

Rice 360 ml
Soy sauce 2.5TBS
Sake 1TBS
Mirin 1.5TBS

Dried Shiitake 2~4 (soak in the water)
Edamame (frozen) 1/3 C
Carrots 1~1/2
Burdock Roots 1 ~2 inch
Abura-age 1/2

Dashi (Katsuo or Konbu) & shiitake water Total 300ml

Authentic Japanese Cooking for Japanese food lovers. Yuri teaches how to cook popular Japanese food to shojin or vegan diet from the United States. Japanese travel Vlog and Japanese restaurant report in Japan. www.japanesecookinglovers.com Authentic Japanese Cooking
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