Biscuit Sandwich Cheesecake Happy,Thank You,For You チーズケーキ & 200万人10億回ありがとうございます! | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

Lay down a biscuit at the bottom, pour the cake batter, place a biscuit on top, and then bake! We tried to make the cheesecake biscuit sandwich as one complete piece. Use the cheesecake batter a bit heavily so that the bottom biscuit does not float. The point of this recipe is to cool it well and then cut it up. This time we were ImpulsiveGourmet and failed at the cutting. We wish we would have had enough time to let it sit in the refrigerator before cutting!

*Recipe* (18 square centimeter mold per piece)
1. Soak 12 biscuits in a small amount of milk. Be careful not to let them become too soft.
2. Lay down the biscuits in the molds. In the case that a biscuit does not neatly fit into a mold, cut it with a kitchen knife.
3. Mix 250g of softened cream cheese.
4. Mix in 80g of sugar.
5. Mix in 100g of sour cream.
6. Mix in one beaten egg.
7. Mix in 100g of fresh cream.
8. Strain and pour the mixture from Step 7 into the mold from Step 2.
9. The 12 biscuits that had been soaked using the method from Step 1 should gently be placed on top of the mold from Step 8. At the time that they are cut, they should all vertically line up with the bottom.
10. Pour hot water into a baking tray and place what you made in Step 9 onto it.
11. For 40 minutes, bake it in an oven that has been preheated to 160 degrees.
12. Cool it in a refrigerator for one night.
13. In good time, cut it up. Make sure not to repeat the mistake of ImpulsiveGourmet.


*レシピ*(18センチのスクエア型 1個分)
1.ビスケット 12枚を少量の牛乳に浸す。柔らかくなりすぎないように注意。
3.やわらかくしたクリームチーズ 250gを混ぜる。
4.砂糖 80gを入れ混ぜる。
5.サワークリーム 100gを入れ混ぜる。
6.溶き卵 1個を入れ混ぜる。
7.生クリーム 100gを入れ混ぜる。
9.1の要領で浸したビスケット 12枚を8の上にそっとのせる。切り分けた時に上下が揃うようにボトムと合わせて並べる。
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