Basque-style Cheesecake (can be made with a blender) ミキサーで作れるバスク風チーズケーキ(バスチー) | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We became interested in this Basque-style cheesecake after it was sold at the Lawson convenience stores. We tried making a unique tasting cheesecake with a smooth texture on the inside and a crisp caramelized outside. It is very rich and delicious! Moreover, we came up with a simple recipe that could be made using a mixer. We created a Baschee that can satisfy Moso Gourmet!
*Recipe* (round pan with a 16 cm diameter and 6 cm height)
1. Scrunch parchment paper into a ball, wet it with water, and squeeze to wring the water out. Spread it onto the pan.
2. Put 290 g of cream cheese, 100 g of granulated sugar, and 3 eggs in a mixer and mix together.
3. Add 170 g of fresh cream, 1 tbsp of cake flour, and 1/2 tbsp of corn starch, then add 2/3 tsp of lemon juice and mix.
4. Pour into the mold from step 1.
5. Bake in a 220°C preheated oven for 20 minutes. If you prefer a slightly firmer cake, bake for an additional 3 minutes.
6. After it cools down, leave it in the mold and chill in the refrigerator.
7. Cut with a warm knife, and enjoy.

If you are not using a springform pan, we recommend removing the cake from the pan after it has cooled for about 5 hours. The parchment paper may become damp, torn, and difficult to remove.

#basque #cheesecake #recipe #easy #blender

*レシピ*(直径16✕ 高さ6センチの丸型)
2.ミキサーにクリームチーズ 290g、グラニュー糖 100g、卵 3個を入れ混ぜる。
3.生クリーム 170g、薄力粉 大さじ 1とコーンスターチ 大さじ 1/2を合わせてふるったもの、レモン汁 小さじ 2/3を加え更に混ぜる。


#バスク風チーズケーキ #バスチー #レシピ
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