5 Coffee Recipes | Filter Coffee | Chocolate Cappuccino | Caffè Macchiato | Cafe Latte | Warm Drinks | Rajshri Food

Instant Coffee Recipes | How To Make Filter Coffee | How To Make Cappuccino | Cafe Latte Recipe | Hot Chocolate Coffee Recipe | Macchiato Coffee Recipe | Indian Cappuccino Recipe | Espresso Macchiato | Flat White Coffee | Filter Kaafi | South Indian Filter Coffee | How To Make Macchiato Cream | Types Of Coffee Drinks | Cafe Mocha | Coffee Recipes for Winter | Coffee Recipes For Business | Coffee Recipes for Non-Coffee drinkers | Date Night Food Ideas at Home | Valentine's Day Coffee Drinks | Rajshri Food

Learn how to make 5 Coffee Drinks at home with our Chef Varun Inamdar & Ruchi Bharani

Introduction - 0:00

Filter Coffee - 0:14
Cafe Latte - 7:29
Chocolate Cappuccino - 13:24
Indian Cappuccino - 19:07
Caffe Macchiato - 22:23

#CoffeeRecipes #AnybodyCanCookWithRajshriFood

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Host: Varun Inamdar & Ruchi Bharani
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited

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About Filter Coffee
Indian filter coffee is a coffee drink made by mixing frothed and boiled milk with the infusion obtained by percolation brewing of finely ground coffee powder in a traditional Indian filter. The drink is also referred to as Madras filter coffee, Kumbakonam degree coffee, Mylapore filter coffee, Mysore filter coffee, Palakkad Iyer coffee or South Indian Filter Coffee (Kaapi). Outside the country of India the term "filter coffee" may refer to drip brew coffee, which is a distinct form of preparing coffee.

About Cafe Latte
Caffè latte, often shortened to just latte in English, is a coffee drink of Italian origin made with espresso and steamed milk. Variants include the chocolate-flavored mocha or replacing the coffee with another drink base such as masala chai (spiced Indian tea), mate, matcha, turmeric or rooibos; other types of milk, such as soy milk or almond milk, are also used. In Italy, caffè latte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only. The coffee is brewed with a stovetop moka pot and poured into a cup containing heated milk. (Unlike the "international" latte drink, the milk in the Italian original is generally not foamed, and sugar is added by the drinker, if at all).

About Cappuccino
A cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee drink that originated in Austria with later development taking place in Italy, and is prepared with steamed milk foam (microfoam).Variations of the drink involve the use of cream instead of milk, using non-dairy milk substitutes and flavoring with cinnamon or chocolate powder. It is typically smaller in volume than a caffè latte, with a thicker layer of microfoam. As cappuccino is defined today, in addition to a single shot of espresso, the most important factors in preparing a cappuccino are the texture and temperature of the milk. When a barista steams the milk for a cappuccino, microfoam is created by introducing very tiny bubbles of air into the milk, giving the milk a velvety texture. The traditional cappuccino consists of a single espresso, on which the barista pours the hot foamed milk, resulting in a 2 cm (3⁄4 in) thick milk foam on top. Variations could be made adding another shot of espresso resulting in a double cappuccino. Attaining the correct ratio of foam requires close attention while steaming the milk, thus making the cappuccino one of the most difficult espresso-based beverages to make properly. A skilled barista may obtain artistic shapes (latte art) while pouring the milk on the top of the espresso coffee.

About Cafe Macchiato
Caffè macchiato is an espresso coffee drink with a small amount of milk, usually foamed. In Italian, macchiato means "stained" or "spotted" so the literal translation of caffè macchiato is "stained” or “marked coffee.” The caffè macchiato has the highest ratio of espresso to milk of any drink made with those ingredients. The intent is that the milk moderates, rather than overwhelms, the taste of the coffee while adding a touch of sweetness. The drink is typically prepared by pouring a small amount of steamed milk directly into a single shot of espresso.
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