Dango-jiru (Chicken and Vegetable Soup Recipe) だんご汁 作り方 レシピ | Cooking with Dog

Dango-jiru (Chicken and Vegetable Soup Recipe) だんご汁 作り方 レシピ | Cooking with Dog

How to Make Dango-jiru だんご汁の作り方 字幕表示可 材料(日本語)↓ (serves 2) 100g All Purpose Flour (3.5 oz) 60ml Water (2.0 fl oz) A pinch of Salt 120g Skinless Chicke...

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Sui Gyoza Recipe (Boiled Shrimp and Pork Dumplings | Jiaozi) | Cooking with Dog

Sui Gyoza Recipe (Boiled Shrimp and Pork Dumplings | Jiaozi) | Cooking with Dog

Using homemade gyoza wrappers we made previously, we are making boiled Sui-Gyoza with lots of shrimp. The aroma of the shrimp rises from the gooey wra...

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