Webinar DSA - Understanding lameness in dairy cattle

A discussion about a really important topic in dairy farming: lameness in dairy cattle.
We all know that lameness in cows can cause problems. It's not just about the cow's comfort, but it also affects how much milk they produce, their overall health, and their happiness. But even though we know it's a big deal, there's still a lot we don't understand about why it happens.
Today, we're going to look into what actually goes on in a cow's hooves when they become lame. We'll talk about the changes that happen inside the hoof and how they lead to lameness. Understanding these changes can help us figure out how to stop lameness from happening in the first place, and how to fix it when it does.
During this webinar, we'll look at all the different things that can contribute to lameness, like the environment the cows live in and how they're taken care of. By figuring out what causes lameness, we can find better ways to keep our cows healthy and happy.
Presenter : Dr Mark Chimes.
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