The Plant Pathologist Who'll Change Your Mind About Organic: Renaissance Humans Podcast

This is the audio-only youtube version of the the Renaissance Humans Podcast. You can download the audio version onto your mobile device/mp3 player here:

For a look at the science behind this discussion, see Andrew's Organic vs Conventional video series:

Questions From This Podcast:

How did everyone come to believe that organic fruits and vegetables are superior for our health when there's not a lot of hard evidence suggesting as much? 4:25

What sort of chemicals will you find on USDA certified food? 7:10
The USDA's safety program and the testing done on organic foods? 10:14

Does all conventional produce have pesticide residue on it, and what the Enviornmental Working Group Ignores 12:07

Are USDA toxicologists politically-silenced, incompetent, or lacking the tools to know if conventional food is harmful? 14:47

The environmental Working group argument 15:57

How has the danger presented by pesticide sprays changed over time? 16:59

Scale of natural vs man-added pesticides on produce 20:15

What relevance does the Clean 15, really have? 23:37

Why the USDA doesn't claim organic will make you healthier, and what the purpose of the organic program is. 26:37

Can organic be worse for the environment? 30:00

Why is it so much harder for organic growers to do environmentally-friendly no-till production? 34:00

How many calories or pounds per acre can you produce in organic vs conventional food production? 36:07

Can we feed the population we have with organic food? How about the growing population of 10 billion people? 39:47

Would Dr. Savage eat organic if he was in China? 42:20

The gulf dead zone and all organic production 44:27

Could local production, permaculture, or small farms fix our environmental issues? 47:43

Does conventional food production harm agricultural workers? 51:26

Why the children of farm workers have stunted IQs 56:01

Andrew's Thoughts On The matter 1:00:42

Is synthetic produce dangerous if we eat way more produce than average? 1:05:03

Should we be concerned with eating imported grapes from chile or other foreign countries? 1:07:06

How did Dr. Savage get involved with agriculture. 1:09:22

Looking forward, what are the major agricultural advances that could help us out? 1:13:34
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