The Greenfly Cocktail 2 Ways Gin & Chartreuse Welcome Friends! Welcome back to Cocktails After Dark a series where I am exploring cocktail recipes and then using different base spirits to see how that changes the flavour. I'm trying to find out what cocktails I like; today we're going to do a cocktail from 1937 called the Greenfly and it is pretty much a gin and chartreuse cocktail with lemon juice and gum syrup.
1 1/3 oz Booth’s London dry gin
1/3 oz lemon juice
1/3 oz green Chartreuse
1 dash gomme syrup

Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

Invented by Albert, Ritz Hotel.
Harry Craddock.
‘Approved Cocktails Authorised By The United kingdom Bartender’s Guild’

#LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking #CocktailsAfterDark
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