3 Tasty Roasted Vegetables Recipes To Eat

Get roasted vegetables recipes here: https://fitmencook.com/roasted-vegetables-recipes/

Don't want to salvage food because you don't eat veggies? Here is a solution with our 3 healthy roasted vegetable recipes.

If you're like me, at some time or another, your ambition in the kitchen got the best of you and you cooked a bit too much food. I especially did this when it came to veggies. I'd swear up and down that I was going to eat all of the veggies that week only to toss them out that weekend.

So, instead of wasting food, I got wiser and more creative about how I could salvage leftover veggies and better incorporate them in my diet beyond just having them as a side. Here are three of my favorite 3 roasted vegetable recipes - guaranteed to prevent end of week leftovers for sure!

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