Taro and jellyfish salad with Thai-style dressing #salad #taro #jellyfish #vietnamesefood

Gi sa khoai mn st Thi - Taro and jellyfish salad with Thai-style dressing
- 150g sa (bp vi nc ct chanh) | 150g jelly fish (rub with lime juice)
- 1/2 c c rt | 1/2 a carrot
- 1/2 c hnh ty | 1/2 an onion
- 1 c khoai mn 300g | 300g taro
- 2mc bt m | 2tbsp all-purpose flour

St Thi | Thai-style dressing:
- 4 cy s | 4 stalks lemongrass
- 50g thm | 50g pineapple
- 3mc ring | 3tbsp galangal
- 100ml nc | 100ml water
- 3mc nc mm | 3tbsp fish sauce
- 3mc ng | 3tbsp sugar
- 1mcf t bt HQ | 1tsp Korean chilli powder
- 2mc tng t | 2tbsp chilli sauce
- 1mc t bm | 1tbsp minced chilli
- 1/2mcf mui | 1/2tsp salt
- 1/2mcf bt nng | 1/2tsp tapioca starch
ha vi 20ml nc | mix with 20ml water
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