Tang Yuan, Sticky Rice Dumplings | Elaine Luo

Tang Yuan is a popular sweet Chinese dessert, used to celebrate holidays including Lantern Festival (元宵节)and Winter Solstice Festival (冬至), but is served as desserts now and sometimes as breakfast in cold winter mornings. I make TangYuan every year at home and I would love to introduce a funny version from this year. This is a marbled version as an improved version of traditional pure white ones.
-------- Ingredients--------------
1 cup toasted black sesame around 100g
1/4 cup toasted peanuts
1 cup sugar powder around 100g
1/8 tsp. salt
5 tbsp. lard or butter
3 tbsp. water
Tang Yuan dough
2 cups glutinous rice flour
1 cup warm water , around 50 to 60 degree C.
vegetable color powder purple sweet potato powder, pumpkin, carrot and spinach
---------Printable Recipe-------------
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