Tako no Sumiso Ae (Octopus with Sumiso)

Tako anyone? I love octopus. Love the chewy texture, the slight taste of the ocean, and the overwhelming umaminess that comes with more chewing:) I will never forget, the best octopus I had was at a small sushi bar off the Tsukiji marketplace, that served fresh raw octopus on a bed of warm sushi rice with just a delicate amount of what seemed like pixie salt. Omg. Needless to say, I had like 5 more of the same. Its actually rare to be able to eat octopus raw, unless its super fresh, like right out of the ocean fresh. The octopus we see at the markets are labeled as sashimi grade but slightly boiled, hence the red skin. Still very good:)

Today we have Tako no Sumiso Ae. Tako is octopus, pronounced just like taco. Sumiso is vinegar and miso. Su means vinegar, miso is miso. Ae means to mix together. Sumiso is a very traditional sauce served commonly with seasonal vegetables and/with or octopus or squid, as an appetizer or a side dish:) I hope you enjoy the recipe!

Please let me know what you think in the comment section below!

Recipe (serves 2)

0.2 lb boiled sashimi grade octopus
1 small cucumber
1 teaspoon, dried wakame

1 tablespoon, miso
1 tablespoon, apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoon, coconut sugar

1. Make the sumiso sauce. Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
2. Rehydrate wakame in plenty of water. Once hydrated drain and squeeze out excess water.
3. Slice the cucumber and octopus into diagonal wedges.
4. Plate octopus, cucumber, and wakame and add sumiso.

Thats it! So simple yet so full of fresh delicious flavors! Enjoy!

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Thanks for watching, see you next week!

Music: "Talkies" by Huma Huma

Instagram: @gracesjapanesecooking

Love, Grace
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