Sushi Drop Test - You Hear What You Eat | Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

We conduct the first ever "Sushi Drop Test" by taking 3 National chain supermarket's and 1 drugstore's sushi, and drop them at heights of 1 foot all the way to 5 feet.

On our final test, we even take one national chain's nigiri and throw it against our stained concrete floor as hard as we can to see how it holds up. The results are staggering...

You may ask, what's the point of this comparison? We actually didn't plan on it until we uncovered how hard and dry the sushi was from Walgreens was. We went on to show the sound as we dropped the roll onto a plate; the pinging noise shows evidence of something hard hitting another hard surface.

We went on to test all three national chain stores' to our nigiri and realized there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. The softness of freshly steamed and seasoned rice kept in an insulated warmer to keep its' temperature is on a completely different level when compared to any sushi rice that's cooked fresh and then stored in a container and placed in a cooler.

On the extreme side, the nigiri from Publix was packed so hard (twice the amount of rice compared to ours) when placed in a cooler, made it even harder.

The only result here is common knowledge; we already know what the the facts are. It's the consumer that's forgiving and accepting to these standards so in the end, it's win win for all.

We had fun filming these videos and hope you found them entertaining and informative. If you like this video, please hit that like button and give us a thumbs up, share it and comment below!
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