Spicy Meatball Pasta Bake - 2008 Sumptuous Featuring Jordan Theodoros | SanRemoPasta

In 2008 San Remo became a proud sponsor of Sumptuous magazine and television. Sumptuous is dedicated to promoting good quality, gourmet food. During every episode of Season 4 of Sumptuous Television a delicious dish using a San Remo product was made by Chef Jordan Theodoros. In episode 3 the dish was a Spicy Meatball Pasta Bake.

Spicy Meatball Pasta Bake is a dish that is big, fast and absolutely delicious. This dish has a "Mexican" feel and includes chorizo, meatballs, tomatoes, chilli, San Remo Elbows and of course, cheese!

Visit http://sanremo.com.au/san-remo-recipes/spicy-meatball-pasta-bake-2/ for the recipe.

For other great recipes, product information and to learn more about San Remo visit: http://www.sanremo.com.au or http://www.facebook.com/sanremopasta
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