Sichuan Fragrant Roast Duck -

Who doesnt love a shiok duck with perfectly charred crispy skin and juicy meat? Many people think that a roast duck cant be made at home, but let us prove to you otherwise! It really is as simple as the video looks! Anyone can make this dish as long as the duck can fit in your oven.
This Sichuan Fragrant Roast Duck definitely packs a punch in flavour and do not worry, it is not spicy at all. :)

The longer you let it marinate, the better the flavours sip into the meat!
Did you know? Eating duck during CNY is a symbol of loyalty.

Ducks generally contain more fats as compared to chickens and as the wise man once said Fats Is Flavour. Try roasting a duck this Chinese New Year for you and your family. It is guaranteed to amaze your family and friends!

Recipe Link:

From The Meatmen, wishing everybody a Happy Chinese New Year Eve! :)

Do hit the like button if you like this recipe and subscribe if you haven't already done so! We will be updating daily until the 12th of February so turn on your notification bell and look forward to the new CNY recipes! Also, if you cooked one of our recipes, do take a photo and tag us on our Instagram @themeatmensg
Until then, Happy cooking ~

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