Salmon and Konbu, Kobumaki Seaweed Wrap

I will show you how to make Kobumaki, Konbu (seaweed) wrapped around salmon, traditional Japanese food. This dish is popularly seeing at Japanese New Years food, but you can cook anytime. Konbu has rich Umami flavor, good minerals, and fibers. When you cook Konbu, it becomes soft, and flavors get into the salmon. One of my favorite food! You need to cook dried gourd, first. I have a video for How to prepare dried gourd, too. This video I used frozen salmon, but you can use raw salmon. If you do not use salmon, it will be a vegan dish and still delicious flavor food. You can use other ingredients which are fish or vegetables inside, also.

6 Konbu
3tbs sugar
2tbs soy sauce
2tbs sake
1tbs mirin

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