A Raw Diet For Beauty, Strength, And Weight Loss W/ Lisa Holt

Lisa Holt is a fitness competitor, and needs to look her best and maintain a larger-than-average amount of muscle mass while staying slim.

She could do what most fitness competitors do and stay away from carbohydrates, and especially fruit. She could also load up on the protein powders and other supplements.

Instead, she finds that if she wants her skin to look great, her muscles to pop, her body fat to stay low, and most of all, to always feel fantastic, she needs to eat a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, and nothing else.

Lisa has been eating a low fat raw food diet for almost three years, and she says that the consistency of it has done wonders for her.

She's feeling fantastic and looking great on stage.

In this video I ask her about her diet and why she follows it.

Check out Lisa's Website: http://www.effortlesslivingnow.com/

Take a look at Lisa's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/lisashorty
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