Quick' Pickled Hot Peppers Recipe | Glen And Friends Cooking

LeGourmetTV Is Now Glen & Friends Cooking!
This is a quick hot pickled pepper recipe that's easy to prepare and ready to eat in a few of days. These are great in salads, or with a sandwich.

500g or enough peppers to fill a large wide mouth Mason jar
some little carrots
2.5 cups of water
2.5 cups of vinegar (mixed white with rice & cider)
2 Tbsp of peppercorns
2 Bay Leaves
2 Tbsp coriander
4 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp dried chopped onion
3 Tbsp sugar
3 Tbsp salt

Our Lacto Fermented Pickles: https://youtu.be/1vVAPX6-dis

Poke holes in peppers.
Combine your liquid and remaining spices in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, then let cool slightly. Pack the peppers & carrots into a sterilized wide mouth 1.5L Mason jar. Pour the pickling liquid over the peppers, put on a lid and stick in the fridge.

**This is a fridge pickle - they are NOT shelf stable, must be kept refrigerated and must be eaten with 2-3 months. We cover all aspects of food.

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