Pepper Rasam By Preetha || On A Rainy Day... | India Food Network

A hot cup of pepper rasam when it's pouring and you are cold will make everything better. Watch the video to know how you can make it!

1 tsp cumin seeds
10-12 pepper corns
2 cloves garlic
400 ml water
1 tsp tamarind paste
¾ tsp salt
¼ tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp ghee
½ tsp cumin seeds
5-6 curry leaves
1 dried red chilli

In a pan, lightly toast the cumin seeds, pepper and garlic. Once cooled, coarsely crush the same in a mortar-pestle or in a mixer jar.
Dissolve the tamarind paste in water and on a medium flame bring this to a boil with the salt and turmeric powder.
Once this has simmered for 5 minutes on low flame, and thickened somewhat, add the cumin-pepper-garlic mix. Bring to a simmer on a low flame, until the rasam starts to froth, around 5 minutes or so. Do not boil on a high flame.
In a small pan, heat ghee. Temper with the cumin seeds, curry leaves and red chilli. Pour over the rasam and keep the pan closed until ready to serve.

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