Pan-Fried Meat Pies (发面肉饼) | The Chinese Cuisine

These golden brown pan-fried meat pies are crispy on the outside, flavorful and delicious on the inside and have so many layers!

- 4 cups flour (500g 面粉)
- 1.5 cups warm milk (350ml 温牛奶)
- 8.8 oz. ground pork (250g 猪肉馅)
- 1/2 tsp. sugar (2g 糖)
- 1 tsp. sesame oil (6ml 香油)
- 1 tsp. yeast (4g 酵母)
- 5 stalks green onion (80g 葱)
- 2 tsp. dark soy sauce (10ml 老抽)
- 2 tsp. light soy sauce (10ml 生抽)
- sichuan pepper powder (花椒粉)
- 3 tsp. cooking wine (15ml 料酒)

1. mix yeast into flour, then add in milk
2. mix and knead into dough
3. let the dough rest for 1-2 hours
4. add in sugar, sichuan pepper powder, cooking wine, light and dark soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped green onions to the pork and mix well
5. after 1-2 hours, divide the dough into four equal sections
6. knead each section and roll out until ~1/2 cm thick
7. spread on an even layer of filling, then fold as shown in the video
8. repeat for the remaining three sections
9. let the meat pies sit for a while before rolling out completely
10. add olive oil to pan on medium-high heat
11. pan-fry each meat pie on one side before flipping
12. after flipping add in water
13. after adding in water, cook until the water evaporates and both sides are golden brown
14. serve and enjoy!

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