One Pot Chicken and Rice (鸡腿焖饭) | The Chinese Cuisine

This delicious combination of chicken drumsticks, potatoes, green beans and rice is cooked easily in a rice cooker!

- 700 g chopped chicken drumstick 鸡腿肉块
- 250 g potatoes 土豆
- 200 g green beans 豆角
- 25 ml soy sauce 酱油
- 20 ml cooking wine 料酒
- 20 ml oyster sauce 蚝油
- 30 ml oil 油
- 2 g Sichuan peppercorns 花椒
- 5 g dried chili peppers 辣椒
- 15 g ginger slices 姜片
- 215 g white rice (dry weight) 白米
- 120 ml water 水

1. add oil to pan on medium heat
2. add in Sichuan peppercorn (take out after the flavors are infused in the oil)
3. add in ginger slices and dried chilis
4. add in chicken drumsticks
5. add in oyster sauce, cooking wine, and soy sauce
6. add in potatoes and green beans
7. the ingredients do not need to be fully cooked before we put them on top of rice (washed) in a rice cooker
8. cook on "quick" for 35 minutes or "normal" for 57 minutes.
9. serve and enjoy! it tastes great with kimchi :)


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